_ About My Approach

Keeping up with time.                    I will help you find the right path.


In an era where everything changes at the speed of light, it can be difficult to make the smartest decisions for your project. I am always inspired and in touch with new technologies. This makes it easy for me to have many options for different problems.

Innovative & efficient.                  Complexity made easy.

I am always studying new and creative ways in approaching a project. Having experiences starting from Server Management going to Creative/Marketing Agencies and lastly Web Development/Programing Companies makes me the perfect candidate for managing you project from top to bottom. Having extensive knowledge in these areas allows me to present simple, creative and well thought solutions with a lot of research behind them.

“Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.”
Albert Szent-Györgyi

Communication is essential.              Sincere and direct.


I set the strategic direction and move quickly to prototype through close collaboration with my clients. I provide information to help you make an informed decision. When I set deadlines, I meet them, and if I am not completely confident that I can meet your project objectives, I will tell you right away.

Remote.                                  Why I am location independent.


I think working remotely is the greatest option for myself and my clients. Business has become easier in the digital age since expenses can be reduced while maintaining quality by utilizing the most recent technologies.

I adjust my schedule to fit the demands of my clients and maintain a constant line of communication, whether it be through video conferencing or user-friendly project management software.

I enjoy working closely with my customers and including them in the decision-making process. Over the years, working remotely has taught me how to organize my time and optimize my process so that I can get things done.

_ About Me

Andi Allushi earned a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Natural Sciences. After finishing his education, he worked on a few minor projects for Evanto Marketplace, where he discovered a passion for web design. He developed a passion for solving difficult design patterns and advanced CSS over the course of his career. His area of expertise and reputation in the industry is frontend. Currently, he holds the status of senior software developer.

_ About my process

Plan.                         Black on white.


I examine the objectives of the customer, identify the target audience, and compile as much pertinent data as I can. I then offer a brief, non-technical project summary and a sitemap that can be consulted as needed during the project. Finally, the contracts that specify roles, copyright, and financial points are presented, along with a timeline and payment terms.

Design.                       Visualization of thought.


The site’s layout, design components, and wireframe are designed. Following the client’s evaluation and acceptance of these mock-ups, I will begin the actual work.

Develop.                      The entire project is taking form.


I primarily use the WordPress CMS system for developing, and I use code templates for each sort of page. This enables me to create and test features and interactive elements to launch websites quickly. After that, I add content to the sites and check the links to make sure they work. Finally, I evaluate the entire website and go through each page I’ve made to make sure I haven’t overlooked anything in terms of design or functionality.

Launch.                       Going Online.


Any polishing or little adjustments that are required are completed so that I may share your pride in the website. I transfer the website to your hosting company or ours. The site is then put through one last test to ensure that it is fully responsive and functional across all browsers.